Behind the Scenes: RoseyRavelston Books at Nauti Studios
/RoseyRavelston Books are a small social enterprise based in Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.
Zac & Cath have combined their love of reading with their passion for supporting refugees and asylum seekers. These legends, with the vital support of a small group of supporters, donate 50% of their profits to the Amiculus: The Humble Friend Project charity.
We asked them some red hot Qs to get a behind the scenes look at
the world and inspiration behind Rosey Ravelston.
Zac, Cath and Echo, of RoseyRavelston Books, in their bookshop at Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.
Tea or coffee?
Cath (C): LOTS OF Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and after dinner. We met working in coffee, and my mum is British so the best of both worlds here.
Zac (Z): Coffee to wake up, tea to keep going.
Sunrise or sunset?
C: Realistically, Sunset. There’s a reason we need lots of coffee in the mornings!
Z: Dusk. Sunset is nice but there’s something magical about that moment when the sun has gone but darkness is not yet final.
What inspired you to start RoseyRavelston Books?
C + Z: A love of books, a need to share that love and passion for doing something positive for our community. That means providing affordable, quality books to people, using our bookshop and Nauti Studios as a place for people to meet other like-minded people and as a way to raise money for the charity Amiculus: The Humble Friend Project, whom we give 50% of our profit every month so that they can support refugees and asylum seekers within Greater Sydney.
Echo, Zac and Cath’s 10-year-old adorable labrador. She is their Quality Control supervisor, and you might be lucky enough to meet her if you visit RoseyRavelston Books at Nauti.
Do you work well as a team?
C + Z: Cath generally reads more fiction and Zac more non-fiction, so we can both rant for ages about lots of books in various genres. Except horror. Cath is a wuss.
What are your top five fav books of all time?
C: Too hard! There would be an Orwell in there, for sure, I think “Homage to Catalonia”? Definitely “My Grandmother sends her regards and apologises” by Frederik Backman, perhaps “Bone people” by Keri Hulme? I loved “Burial Rites” by Hannah Kent…. Nah. Can’t do it. I’m already changing my mind. Also Zac wrote a book so I should probably include that too....Sanlundia by Z T Quinn.
Z: Too hard! The Shadow of the Wind (Carlos Ruiz Zafón), Sapiens (Yuval Noah Harari), SPQR (Mary Beard), Keep the Aspidistra Flying (George Orwell), The Testament of Mary (Colm Tóibín). But that list would probably change if you asked me again tomorrow.
C: Oh yes! Colm Tóibín!
What scares you?
C + Z: Inhumane Government policies.
Zac, Cath and Echo, of RoseyRavelston Books, in their bookshop in Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.
Is Echo best described as creative director or site manager?
C: Quality Control. She paws-es to look over each book and selects the book that our readers will Labr-adore.
Z: Neither – unless you’re talking about creative director of finding ways to get a pat, or site manager of the Nauti Studios kitchen…
What’s your fav thing about Nauti?
C: The community and the love of puns.
Z: Awesome people with amazing talent. And that the name makes people think you work in an adult store.
If you could have dinner with any author, dead or alive, who would it be?
C: I would probably have dinner with George Orwell, alive.
Z: Yeah I’d prefer to have dinner with an alive person as well, although if my guest was dead at least they couldn’t complain about my cooking.
Quality Control of RoseyRavelston Books, Echo, bludging on the job at Nauti Studios.
Have any authors work changed the way you see the world?
C: There’s a theme here. Reading “Down and Out in Paris and London” by George Orwell helped me to realise just how much Neoliberalism has negatively impacted society, but in a way that makes it seem like the poor are poor because of their own volition. It relates so much to Australia and the way we treat the “other”.
Z: Totally agree with Cath. I also love tracking Orwell’s evolution and views throughout his books, his willingness to criticise both the right and left side of politics and his understanding of the dangers of political extremism. He had plenty of flaws but had made quite a transformational journey by the time he died.
Are you secretly writing something at the moment?
Z: If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret any longer…
C: Come visit our shop
Good books, chats, helping others
Haikus are awesome.
To keep up to date with the incredible RoseyRavelston Books team, buy some incredible books, find out when to come in to the bookstore, attend their awesome poetry and book club nights at Nauti Studios, and see pictures of Echo on a regular basis… You can find RoseyRavelston Books at their website here, and on instagram, and Facebook.
If you’d like to join RoseyRavelston Books working at Nauti Studios, get in touch here.