Pandemic Plants, Potting and Pothos: Indoor House Plant Tips with Nat Cheney
/Nat Cheney is a reputable green thumb.
Over the last 8 years Nat has cultivated over 500+ indoor house plants at Nauti Studios Sydney and Nauti Studios Blue Mountains. And almost two years ago Nat started ‘The Plant Doctor’,
teaching people how to care for indoor plants, make terrariums and more.
We got behind the scenes, and asked Nat some red hot indoor plant Qs
during a repotting session at Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.
Check out behind the scenes footage of the repotting session here:
Photos and video by Stephanie Mazure.
During the pandemic people have really gotten into indoor house plants. What are some tips you would give to those who are new to buying plants?
Start easy! No one tells you at the shop (online or in person) not to buy certain plants that are more difficult to care for. I’m talking fiddle leaf figs, and monsteras most commonly being super popular, but not the easiest to look after. Due to them being popular plants, a lot of beginners end up with really beautiful plants looking really sick.
For starter plants I recommend pothos, peace lillies, rubber plants, rojo congos, bird’s next ferns (native to Australia) and snake plants/mother’s tongue.
Nat Cheney surrounded by some green friends at Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.
Some of Nat Cheney’s plants at Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.
We got some rad snaps of you and Nauti artist Ashlee Bucholtz (your ap-plant-ice) doing a repotting session at Nauti Studios Blue Mountains. How often should people repot their plants? And when should they repot?
If you’re fertilising your plants regularly (which you definitely should) then repotting every year is a good idea. Even if you just take it out of the pot to see what the roots are doing, and if it’s good in the pot it’s in put it back. If it needs a repot you know and can size it up.
Repotting in spring time is always the best time. When it starts to get warmer the plants’ growth accelerates and they will really grow into any new soil they’ve been given.
Nat Cheney repotting at Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.
The world of plants is extensive and never ending, but can you share a fun plant fact you know with us?
The most common creeping vines people have as indoor plants are pothos. The plant is also known as Devil’s Ivy. But a lot of people don’t know the plant earned that name because it is almost impossible to kill, comes back from the brink of death, and it stays green even when kept in the dark.
It is also devilishly toxic to cats and dogs if nibbled, so keep your furry friends safe.
One of Nat Cheney’s pothos plants at Nauti Studios Blue Mountains.