Come get crafty in our sustainable creative hubs!

We run our own regular creative workshops and events which anyone can join!
And we also host private workshops and events.


To join a public class


Our signature neon life drawing is only avaiable for private/event bookings, 100 per person



70 per person


To have your own workshop

Hiring us to do a private workshop for you in our warehouse spaces is very popular for team building activities, an adult birthday, a kid’s birthday, a fun hen’s night activity, a buck’s activity, an engagement celebration, wedding flower crowns and more.

To have your own private event, to let us know the details:


To be the first to know about new events and workshops


99 per person



69 per person


We specialise in sustainability!

Nauti Studios’ work spaces have been hand crafted with sustainable and repurposed materials. So naturally our ethos is a part of the workshops we provide. We’ve started Sustainable Life Drawing nights. It’s the only life drawing night where you can bring your own materials, or we can provide sustainable materials for you to use.
You can get creative while caring about the environment.


Plants! Plants! Plants!

As you can see from the workshops listed on this page we host a lot of indoor plant workshops.

‘The Plant Doctor’ was co-founded by Nat (the founder of Nauti Studios) and Vanessa Rooke-Brecht at Nauti Studios in 2019. (Ness is a bad ass. An entrepreneur who founded the first ever pole studio in Australia, ‘Bobbi’s Pole Studio’.)

Having cultivated over 500+ indoor house plants at Nauti people kept admiring the greenery at the studio and asking Nat things like “why is my cactus dead?” “I cant have anything green, what’s wrong with me?!” and “everyone said peace lilies are easy but my peace lily RIP”.

Then Nat and Ness met. Nat looked after Ness’ plants while they went overseas for a month, and when Ness returned they saw all their plants were happy and thriving again. Ness realised if they needed help with keeping their plants alive and happy, other people need help too.
And so The Plant Doctor was formed.

With The Plant Doctor Nat and Ness do interior indoor plant design and installation, plant consultations, and teach workshops in Indoor Plants 101, Terrariums, Rainforest Terrariums, Macrame Plant Hangers, Kokedama Moss Balls and more.

To come along to a plant workshop, to grab your tickets


89 per person


99 per person


89 per person