The World's Smallest Gallery
In a world where dizzying rental prices and skyscrapers are skyrocketing,
a tiny gallery with an appreciation for all things small has emerged.
The World's Smallest Gallery (aka Sydney's Smallest Gallery) fits only one viewer at a time,
and requires the use of a magnifying glass to view contemporary miniature artworks from all over the world.
The World’s Smallest Gallery is a celebration of the most intricate parts of our world.
It is a re-contextualisation of art; how we observe & experience it.
The intriguing installation transforms overlooked spaces into somewhere explore.
It offers viewers the opportunity to pause, reflect and re-discover smaller details.
The gallery appears as a black cube the size of a small room. The uniqueness of the object invites the individual to explore & discover its purpose.
Upon approach, the gallery reveals a doorway sized opening. Pinpricks of light emanate from the gallery's dark internal walls, offering curiosities to be discovered. Each spot of light is a tiny window that offers a glimpse into a miniature world filled with art from all over the globe, no bigger than 3cm tall or wide.
The gallery is a platform for artists working in a miniature scale who lack a forum within the contemporary art scene.
Viewers experience an immersive perspective shift re-engaging with
the smaller scale, the miniature, and fine details
so often easily overlooked in a landscape of architectural and artistic giants.
Upon exiting the gallery, a new perspective on the surrounding environment is offered.
Intricacies of our urban cityscape are no longer ignored, their stories are centre stage, ready to be discovered.
As featured in:
Concrete Playground's feature article 'Sydney's Smallest Gallery to Open This Year at Art Month'
The Guardian Australia's 'Art Month Sydney 2016: what is required to make a truly creative city?'
The Guardian's 'Art Month Sydney 2015: Our Top Picks'
Top 3 in Concrete Playground's 'The Ten Best Things To See At Art Month Sydney 2015'
"One of the biggest highlights of Sydney Art Month"
Broadsheets's Top 6 'Pick[s] of the best of the rest of Art Month in 2015'
FBi Radio
The World's Smallest Gallery installation at BEAMS Arts Festival
Artists and architects you can
submit your work for exhibition,
or your interest be involved with
The World's Smallest Gallery through the
contact form on the Nauti Studios page: